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New analysis from a mental health care study shows that “coordinated specialty care” (CSC) for young people with first episode psychosis is more cost-effective than typical community care. CSC Coordinated......
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The benefits of acupuncture are well known by those who use it, and there is much of the proof that it works, both for Physical conditions such as pain, and......
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The lining of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is made of a single layer of cells attached to each other with Gap-Junctions, also known as tight junctions. A gap-junction essentially......
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Pathophysiology Nearly ten of the eleven depressed and otherwise healthy patients have elevated cortisol levels. Recent studies confirm this trend in depression associated with other disease such as cardiovascular, autoimmune,......
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The role of gut flora in mental health and neurological disease is fascinating. Recent studies confirm the function of Enteric Nervous System and the Central Nervous System is modulated by......
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Forgiveness and PTSD, what do they have in common? The physical bruises have long healed, and the shocking trigger gone. The abuser out of our lives, and the event a......
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