North Vancouver Concussion Care : Concussion Testing & Treatment

North Vancouver Concussion Clinic

Concussion Treatment Starts with Proper Diagnosis and Testing

At our concussion clinic, we use functional medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of concussion. We apply neurological exams, quantitative electroencephalograms (qEEG), and Impact testing for the diagnoses of concussion. Comparing EEG brain maps before and during a treatment protocol helps us keep an objective eye on concussion treatment. Naturopathic treatments, Loreta-Neurofeedback training, Ocular training, plus our referral network is our functional medicine approach to concussion diagnosis, concussion treatment, and clarity of objective improvements in post-concussion care.  

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Comprehensive Concussion Care in North Vancouver


Watch Dr. Mushtagh ND talk about the connection between head injuries and ADD

Concussion Testing

North Vancouver Concussion Testing

The symptoms of concussion can be due to inflammation in the brain, leading to reduced blood and oxygen delivery. Or they can be due to muscle guarding that comes along with all injuries. Or they can be from a permanent change in nerve function as in the case of post-concussion symptoms. Therefore concussion testing needs to include both physical and neurological exams as well as a direct look at the brain.  Sometimes even the gastrointestinal tract becomes affected after a concussion.

The symptoms of brain inflammation can be there, however without any other sign on MRI or other conventional imaging techniques.  Thanks to a new technology, now offered in our North Vancouver Concussion Clinic, our patients have a new hope. The technology is called Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG). It can be used not only to diagnose the concussion but also to guide the proper treatment of the head injuries. 

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Treating Head Injuries

 North Vancouver Concussion Clinic

We use a comprehensive approach; personalized diets to correct the gastrointestinal after-effects of concussion along with supplements to facilitate healing of the brain. We integrate Bowen therapy to improve the physical guarding and address the functional changes of the muscles of the neck and shoulders after the concussion

Additionally, we use quantitative encephalogram (qEEG) to identify the spontaneous electrical activity of the brain relating to a concussion. This analysis gives us the ability to view the dynamic changes post-concussion. Combined with a powerful program called LORETA neurofeedback training, the qEEG can then be used to augment the brain activity to help the symptoms and achieve sustained improvements.

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Find Out What QEEG Brain Mapping and Loreta Neurofeedback Can Do For Post Concussive Symptoms.

A little About me
My career in mental health began in 1996 as a research student at the Toronnto Center for Mental Health. I continued with an internship at the Hospital for Sick Children assisting in genetics research for acquired mental disease. Growing up I dreamt of going for a walk in the wild and knowing the names of the medicinal plants and flowers. As a naturopathic student at CCNM that dream came true.  It was there that I became intrigued with homeopathic and orthomolecular medicine. They stand at polar opposites.  Both are indispensable treatments for any condition involving the nervous system. I love what I do and after ten years of practicing naturopathic medicine and integrative mind-body approaches, I look forward to helping my clients the best I can.


Concussion facts

Head injuries are common. About 20 percent of the individuals experience one or more in their lifetime. A loss of consciousness after a blow to the head usually means a concussion. But not all head injury comes with a loss of consciousness. 

Thankfully, the brain has an immense ability for self-healing and over 80 percent of traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and concussions heal spontaneously, and without medical intervention in as little as a week or two. 

But all too often, the sudden impact a can rattle the brain in such a way to create long-term problems affecting the motor system, cognitive skills, focus, and emotional control. The condition is called Post-Concussion Syndrome.

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Concussion Symptoms

    • A headache or a feeling of pressure in the head.
    • Temporary loss of consciousness.
    • Confusion or feeling as if in a fog.
    • Memory loss surrounding the traumatic event.
    • Dizziness or “seeing stars”
    • Ringing in the ears.
    • Nausea.
    • Vomiting
    • Slurred speech
  • Delayed response to questions

Some symptoms of concussions show up immediately. Others may be delayed for hours or days and remain for months after injury, such as:

  • Concentration and memory complaints
  • Irritability and other personality changes
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Psychological adjustment problems and depression
  • Disorders of taste and smell
  • loss of balance
  • Fatigue
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A mind + body approach is the key to healing.

As a physician I make a point to strive for excellence in my field and compassion in my daily life.

I chose to be a naturopathic doctor because I believe integrating the current medicine along with the natural treatments is essential for true mind-body medicine.

Concussion Treatment Requires An Integrative Approach That Will Address The Functional Changes In The Brain's Function, Hormones, And Muskleskletal System.

1. Qualifications

-Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine; Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM), 2006

-Member of the Canadian Society of Orthomolecular Medicine (CSOM)

-Member of the International Network of Integrative Mental Health (INIMH)

-Author; Hypoallergenic Diet, A Complete Guide to Food Sensitivity

-Advanced Training in Homeopathic Treatment of Mental Health and ADHD.

-Bowen Therapist.

-Neurofeedback therapist

Dealing with concussions can be devastating, and Successfull Treatments Requires an Integrative Approach.

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